
Sharing life lessons to help you escape the whirlpool and have fun on your journey - while having fun - it can be done.

Why a Blog?

Life is a whirlpool for most, and certainly for me it has been, but with lessons learnt, I have escaped the whirlpool. Life being what it is, each day could have a whirlpool just around the next bend. I no longer freeze when I see the whirlpool coming at me, but face it with confidence. Sometimes I still loose my balance and even fall, but the lessons I learnt now help me to successfully make better choices and escape the rabbit hole.
This blog is to hopefully provide insight to some of life's challenges, from the perspective of my life, how I screwed up doing it wrong and how I learnt a better way and did better. I try to learn from the mistakes others make and try to do it better. Hopefully you will relate and see other options and not repeat mistakes I made.
I will also share various coping strategies, some took me a while but once applied they worked for me.
My goal is to inspire, motivate and give you the tools to empower yourself. To help you to be courageous and to try alternative ideas to finding solutions. To help you to realise that your life is more positive and more filled with joy when you have an attitude of gratitude, recognising the abundance present in your own life.
Learn to make every moment count and live life to the full. Enjoy every aspect of your life for it is your journey and only you can live it ... choose wisely and enjoy every day.

Different Aspects of My Journey



Yes, sometimes one needs medication but, medication was so often prescribed instead of teaching me how to be in control of my own life, and it's possible.



"As a man/woman) thinketh, so is he/she". Yes, what I think and put out there does manifest as a reality in my life. I had to change my thoughts. I did.



So you don't like exercising? Well, nor do I, but there are so many more options out there and the reality is that it affects all areas of your and my total wellness.


Inner Peace

Wellness is about the whole body, not just some parts. It is so much more than religion or spirituality, it is a way of life and internalising what I believe.



What is nutrition? Some diet? Cutting out all the foods I love, the comfort food from your childhood? Actually it is so much more and so very simple, Balance.


"Me" Time

'Me time" is so very important. Time to relax and regroup but it is not about what people say I must do and enjoy. It is about having fun, relaxing, enjoying.



What inspires me to do and be better, to find my joy and the desire to grow, achieve, be my best self? Listening to music, reading a good book, serving others, and so much more too.



What motivates me each day? What makes me try again and keep going? What gives me that daily pick-me-up that I need not to quit? It found it.



How is my relationship with everyone else, and even with myself? Do I always have to be right? Do I have to beat myself up or am I kind to myself?